Tag Archives: Property And Casualty Policies

Hospitality Industry Insurance Risks: Hotels Must Purchase “Additional Terrorism Clause” To Have Losses Covered When Government Classifies Bombing Incidents “Acts Of Terror”

“…(after September 11 attacks) “acts of terror”  were excluded from (regular insurance) policies. They made it an optional add-on that businesses Acts of Terror Insurance Coveragehad to purchase separately to have damage covered that resulted from officially declared acts of terrorism, meaning the government’s categorization of the incident will determine who pays for what…”

The hotels located on or near Boylston Street are still trying to get their feet back under them after the tragedy in Boston, reeling from the lack of business associated with the incident’s aftermath. Hotels are looking to their insurance companies to cover their losses, but, interestingly enough, the payout depends upon whether or not the government officially declares the marathon bombings an “act of terror.”

 According to ABC News, President Obama called the bombings an “act of terror,” but the treasury secretary, attorney general, and secretary of state have yet to speak on the designation, and have set no time frame in which to do so.

“If there is no terror finding, damages would be covered in general under regular property-and-casualty policies,” Robert Hartwig, president of the trade group Insurance Information Institute, told ABC News. If it’s declared an “act of terror,” however, only those who purchased the additional terrorism clause would have their losses covered by insurance.

For more:  http://www.hotelchatter.com/story/2013/5/2/114339/2751/hotels/%22Terrorism_Insurance%22_a_Hot_Debate_as_Boston_Hotels_Still_Struggle_

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