Hospitality Industry Technology Solutions: Restaurant Companies Use Tablets And New Apps To Increase Efficiency, Consistency And Maintain Order Preparation Performance

“…to encourage kitchen efficiency, managers can also use the order system to set a performance benchmark…at Jason’s Deli, Michael Johnson Restaurant Tablet Technology(a regional manager) said the management has set acceptable order preparation that spans from six to eight minutes for each order. When the order has been in the pipeline for six minutes, information turns yellow on the counter/expo station display, which lets preparers know that customers have been waiting for quite a while and they have less than two minutes to finish preparing it…programming apps for tablets (also)produce analytic reports through orders, which can be sent to the management team at corporate headquarters for review. Technology use can also strengthen communication between franchisors, franchisees, and workers…”

The benefits of using tablets and technology extend beyond just table coverage for companies like Brinker International Inc. and DineEquity Inc., and possibly for Cheesecake Factory Inc. and Buffalo Wild Wings Inc. in the future. Combined with location pinpoint technology like RFIDs (radio-frequency identification), tablets can help servers quickly identify which table orders are coming from.

This will allow servers to spend less time wondering about the location they have to bring dishes to and more time on the actual delivery, giving customers an impression of operational efficiency, reducing cost for restaurant operations, and driving earnings higher. This is even more important when employment level in the United States is weak and people are still trading down to lower cost food. As Dave Praws, executive chef for Blue Lemon LLC says, “We’re able to deliver food quickly and efficiently and, in fast-casual, that’s what we are about. Without that ability, we’d be ‘slow-casual.’”

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