Hospitality Industry Theft Risks: Florida Hotel Employee Charged With Stealing $500 Of "Dom Perignon Champagne"; Picture Posting On "Facebook" Leads To Arrest

“…an employee at the hotel discovered pictures on a Facebook page of a former night auditor and a friend holding Dom Perignon champagne bottles with the caption: “Hey, we’re having Dom in the morning!”

The security cameras had been turned off at the time of the theft, according to a subsequent investigation.

A Panama City Beach hotel reported the theft of $500 of Dom Perignon champagne in February after an inventory of supplies showed three bottles were missing, according to a news release from the Bay County Sheriff’s Office.

The hotel manager ID’d the man as Jonathon Appleby, a former night auditor at the hotel. Appleby had access to the cooler with the champagne and to the security cameras while he was employed an investigation determined.

For more:,0,4727820.story

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