Hospitality Inudustry Insurance Risks: Restaurants Are Adding New "Business Innovations" That May Not Be Covered By Existing Insurance Coverages

“…Many (restaurants) are turning to innovations to grow their business. While that can be a plus for their balance sheets, it can also open the door to unexpected liabilities that their insurance policies were not designed to cover…”

Agents can head off this scenario and build a strong consultative relationship with their restaurant customers by asking key questions at renewal time. Here are some of the trends that could put restaurants at risk and the questions agents should ask their restaurant customers :

  1. Mobility. Has the restaurant added new services, such as delivery of meals using hired drivers with their own cars?
  2. Branch out businesses. Has the restaurant started a new line of business, such as catering?
  3. Trendy foods. Has the restaurant introduced new menu offerings as part of the strategy for attracting more customers, such as locally sourced foods, an emphasis on organic ingredients or assurances about non-allergenic ingredients?
  4. Additional payment methods. Is the restaurant accepting new methods of payment, such as online credit charges or smartphone purchasing?

All too often, the lack of appropriate coverage only becomes evident when a mishap occurs and a claim is filed. After someone has already threatened to sue for damages is usually a bad time for restaurant owners to discover they should have consulted with their insurance agent about their insurance needs before changing their business model.

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