Monthly Archives: June 2010

Hotel Industry Safety And Security Risks: Major Hotel Chain Testing “Smart Phone” Application For Keyless Room Entry Which Could Expose Hotel Guests To Potential Risks

“…not all properties are as security-conscious as others. “

At this point we don’t know if there will be would-be prowlers hopefully beeping at locked hotel room doors or how glitchy the system could be.

Hackers also target hotels not only because they give up the goods pretty easily, but on average it takes a hotel about five months to figure out they’ve been hacked.

So far, little is known about the Open Ways application, including its vulnerabilities

Also, hotels as a rule, are known as easy pickings for hackers looking to find credit card numbers and other forms of identification. Because many are independently owned and operated, not all hotels in the same chain will have the same amount of security. and how it works in relation to the hotel system.

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Filed under Crime, Insurance, Liability, Theft

Hotel Industry Risk Management: Hotel Owners Must Establish Effective Internal Or Outsourced Risk Reduction Programs To Keep Corporate Insurance Premiums Down And Avoid Legal Violations And Penalties

Little attention is given to the security department as a member of an overall cost-reducing risk-management program. Risk reduction saves money now and in the immediate future and is easily quantifiable

A poorly organized or implemented hotel security program has a direct negative impact on corporate profits. Many organizations are suffering chronically low revenue per available room, resulting in companywide cost-cutting initiatives.

Risk-management considerations are fairly universal and reasonably simple in the hotel industry. Some variations exist, often based on your region and the type of facility you are managing. Some factors to consider that help create an effective program include:

  • defining segments of your operation that cause frequent insurance claims resulting in higher corporate insurance premiums;
  • determining the elements that will tarnish your brand; and
  • assessing what policies and procedural failures or system deficiencies are violations of law, which can lead to crushing civil and criminal penalties.

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Filed under Health, Injuries, Insurance, Liability, Risk Management

Hotel Industry Labor Risks And Liability: California Labor Commissioner Sues Hotel For Labor Violations Including Failure To Pay Wages, Minimum Wage And Overtime Pay

California’s Labor Commissioner has filed a lawsuit against David Weyrich’s Carlton Hotel Investments LLC for labor violations involving more than $100,000 in lost wages and penalties.

The hotel is accused of six labor code violations, including failure to pay wages when due, failure to pay minimum wages and failure to pay overtime.

The lawsuit, filed today by the state Department of Industrial Relations in Paso Robles’ Superior Court, alleges the violations involve an estimated 60 workers employed by the hotel since October 2009, according to court documents.

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Filed under Insurance, Labor Issues, Liability