Tag Archives: Injury Prevention

Hotel Industry Injury Prevention: Hotels That Train And Retain Employees Experience Fewer Workplace Injuries

“…as turnover decreases, so does the number of injuries, because employees with more training tend to get injured less than newly hired ones. This may also explain why there was an increase in injuries during the industry’s initial boom, when the number of new employees increased.”

Scott Stuckey, general manager of the Omni Jacksonville Hotel, said his industry as a whole has been pushing for increased worker safety, with many setting up safety committees. Omni Jacksonville’s safety committee meets monthly to review accidents see how they could be prevented and inspect the hotel for potential hazards.

The number of employee injuries at the Omni has declined over the last few years, along with the workers’ compensation settlements attached to them. In 2007, the hotel had seven claims with a payout of about $7,000, compared with 2006, when it had 13 claims and a payout of a little under $12,000. The 2007 figure doesn’t take into account accidents in December, because they have yet to be calculated.

Stuckey said as turnover decreases, so does the number of injuries, because employees with more training tend to get injured less than newly hired ones. This may also explain why there was an increase in injuries during the industry’s initial boom, when the number of new employees increased.

Read more: In most cases, injuries drop as industries target safety – Jacksonville Business Journal

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Filed under Health, Injuries, Liability, Training

Hospitality Industry Employee Injury Prevention: “Hands-On” Training Of Latino Employees On “Injury Prevention”, In Both English And Spanish, Will Lower Injury Rates And Save Companies Money In Long Run

“… the company provides monthly, hands-on training to workers in both English and Spanish. The company, which owns franchises of Carl’s Jr., Green Burrito, Papa John’s and Denny’s, has mostly Latino workers.”

“…Gonzalez said providing hands-on training lowered the company’s injury rate by 20 percent this past year.”

Recent data show that Latino workers are more prone to workplace-related fatalities and injuries.

Safety consultant Art Pedroza offered companies an alternative to medical payouts and legal fees: train the workers how to not hurt themselves.

“Latino workers are exposed to more risks and mortalities in the workplace than other workers. That’s more reason to emphasize how to keep them safe,” said Pedroza, outgoing president of the Orange County chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers. He spoke at a chapter meeting held Wednesday at the Anaheim Park Hotel in Fullerton.

For more:  http://www.ocregister.com/news/workers-253791-pedroza-latino.html?cb=1276780048

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